"He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind."
-- Samuel Johnson --
The Torn Curtains Project 2 poses us with the task of coming up with 10 Rules to Live By. I've written a similar work before myself, with My Treatise on Life (in the Philosophy section), so some of what I present here may seem like a bit of a reiteration of that work, because I've not changed my mind much, but hopefully I will also talk about a few other points here so as not to be completely unoriginal.
Without further adieu...
10 Rules to Live By
1. Get to Know You.
To commence any journey, even the journey of life itself, you always need to know two things: where you are, and where you are going. Most people don't actually have that much of a picture of themselves. They have some vague ideas about what they want and what they are capable of, but most do not actually give much thought to what it is exactly that makes them happy. Figure it out. And not just the big things, like starting your own business. Give some thought to the little things too, like having matching socks or eating peanut butter sandwiches before bedtime. Think of the things you really want out of life, so that you can plan the best ways to get them. Where are you? Where do you want to be? Plan your route from A to B.
2. Accept Responsibility for Your Life.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, boo hoo, you got dealt a shitty lot in life. Think of life as like a card game: you can never be certain you'll get a good deal, so instead you must rely on skill to get you through. Sure, some people "have it better" and some people "have it worse", and sometimes people do shitty things to you (just as you sometimes do to them), but all that means is that you need to take charge of your life, take responsibility for finding your own happiness. Many of the most monumental events of your life will be as beyond your control as the weather. So dress warm, but in light layers, and keep the mittens in one pocket and the sunblock in the other.
3. Learn.
If you want to get anywhere, it pays to pay attention to what's going on. Consider your greatest mistakes your greatest opportunities for learning experiences. Life's greatest tragedies are often very "character-building". I know it sounds cliche, but it became a cliche for a reason: it's true.
4. Adapt.
Do not be afraid to grow and change. You cannot stay the same forever. Just because you always did something one way doesn't mean you can't learn to do it another. Maybe your old ways were wrong, or maybe just outdated, or maybe you just need a fresh new outlook. The only constant in the world is that it is ever-changing. If you intend to exist in it, you'll need to be flexible to your ever-changing environment. Maintain an ever-opening mind, and an ever-evolving mentality. Grow.
5. Think Carefully.
Carefully consider your decisions. Everything you do has an impact, at least on your life, and probably on the lives of others. Note too, that everything you don't do also has an impact. Failing to make a decision is, in a way, a decision in itself. When you take responsibility for your own life and happiness, it empowers these decisions and indecisions. Take that seriously.
6. Feel Recklessly.
Emotions control people, not vice versa. Never tell yourself "it's wrong for me to feel this way". Feelings simply happen. They are a part of you. They are an unsolicited but natural response to the events of your life. What you do about them, on the other hand, is what you can control. Feeling angry is natural, normal, and healthy. Taking that anger out on others is wrong.
7. Make Timely Decisions.
One of the most simple mistakes I think most people make is trying to decide something at the wrong time. Every decision has a sort of "deadline", when it must be made, or after this time it will be too late to act on each possible avenue. But before that time one should be gathering all possible information and studying the situation carefully. Instead, people tend to make their decisions too early, and possibly even stick with them later when more information proves it to be wrong, only because they "made up their mind". When you look at a situation, ask yourself "when do I need to decide?" Decide then.
8. Be Brave.
If you intend to pursue happiness in your life, you will need to take risks. Rewards seldom come without risks. And big rewards seldom come without big risks. So grit your teeth and take some plunges. If you succeed, congratulations. And whenever you fail, see rule 3 and keep on trying.
9. Persist.
Many things in life are difficult. Many things are complex. Sometimes there isn't a simple solution that can be easily discerned. Sometimes you need to just try and try and try. And with each time you try, you learn a little more. And eventually, if you persist enough, you succeed in overcoming your obstacle.
10. Honour Thy Friends.
Loyalty amongst friends is a real treasure. Knowing there are others you can depend on helps you through the most difficult of decisions, and keeps you alive through the greatest of tragedies. But this loyalty goes two ways. You can only expect from friends as much as you offer up yourself. If you want them to be there for you, then be there for them. If you want them to never betray you, then never betray them. Be as good a friend to others as you want them to be to you.